EDI launches innovative new website
First published in Intertraffic Innovation News - June 26, 2020
Eberle Design Incorporated, a leader in vehicle detection, intersection safety monitoring and access control products, has launched its new website (www.editraffic.com). It includes a full product line-up for both EDI and RAE (Reno A&E) brands, enhances resource accessibility, and provides the expansion of training opportunities.
The new dynamic, interactive website allows visitors to easily navigate through its full product line resources, frequently asked questions and support documentation on an “as needed” basis. The updated site includes sharp new features that allow for the user of all levels to easily access resources and expand their product knowledge of both EDI and RAE brands. As part of EDI’s ongoing efforts to enhance and improve the user experience the website also allows for visitors to request training and have access to its growing training webinar library.
“The inspiration and intention behind the new website design was to maintain EDI’s commitment to quality, superior service, and innovative technology,” said EDI’s marketing manager, Nicole Edson.
Companies in this article
Eberle Design Incorporated