Exciting innovations from Tattile

First published in the Intertraffic Innovations Guide - April 15, 2020

PL_TATTILE Axle Counter frame collageTattile has launched two new products: the Axle Counter, for ETC applications, and the BCCM (Brand, Class, Colour and Model recognition) algorithm.

Tattile’s Axle Counter is an exciting innovation that automates key information on the number of axles. ITS and ETC systems have long been capable of automatically reading licence plates and measuring the speed of a vehicle. Until now axle counting lacked a smart solution since existing systems usually require human interpretation of a picture taken at a toll station.

The company’s new Axle Counter automatically counts the axles of vehicles, with 99.9 per cent accuracy, of any vehicle driving at a speed up to 180km/h on a highway. It is mounted on a gantry above the highway and this standalone system is capable of analysing the side of the passing vehicle with its internal processing AI algorithms. It thus fills the missing link of providing all relevant vehicle information automatically to determine the correct toll for a given vehicle.

Meanwhile, Tattile has introduced the BCCM recognition algorithm, based on Artificial Intelligence (AI), running inside the ANPR camera. It creates a “vehicle fingerprint” in a single report with evident advantages as all information is provided by a single source. There are no extra costs for external software, processing server and integration time. Applications include security, crime prevention, tolling, and smart city initiatives.

Tatille video

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Intertraffic 2020 World HighwaysITS InternationalIntertraffic 2020 World HighwaysITS InternationalIntertraffic 2020 World HighwaysITS InternationalIntertraffic 2020