Kapsch showcases new age of urban mobility

First published at ITS World Congress - October 21, 2019

Kapsch-SorenTellegen-001Kapsch is bringing a clear message to congress delegates in Singapore: building sustainable urban mobility requires innovative solutions and cooperation.

The company is showcasing the full portfolio of its latest integrated mobility solutions in realistic scenarios. It is also sharing its vision for the future of urban mobility throughout the Asia-Pacific, focused on delivering innovation through smart solutions and agency cooperation.

“Recent trends in urbanisation, congestion and mode shifting present significant challenges,” says Soren Tellegen, Kapsch’s executive VP, APAC (pictured).

“Additional capacity is just not enough to build sustainable urban mobility; smart cities of the future need innovative systems that address multimodal network analysis and evolving needs of end users, as well as enhanced agency collaboration.”

Tellegen says cities have to become smarter about how they move people and goods, and need to find solutions which offer an acceptable, or improved, user experience while balancing demand across all modes.

According to Kapsch, across the spectrum, the technology exists to enable cities to provide these solutions. Smart devices are now commonplace and put information at citizens’ fingertips; from the individual’s perspective, these solutions appear seamless and simple to use. However, enabling service providers to quantify and satisfy travellers’ ambitions requires sophisticated supporting technology.

“Our strength is the expertise and the maturity of our offerings in terms of highway and urban mobility management capabilities, tolling, V2X, MaaS and a multi-modal back office,” says Tellegen.

“We bring our experience and work with cities and governments to solidify thinking and realise approaches, working together to transform today’s challenges into opportunities.”

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