Penta demonstrates security credentials

First published at ITS World Congress - October 22, 2019

Penta Security is holding daily demonstrations of its SCMS (security credential management system) PentaSecurity AutoCrypt system for V2X applications in North America and South Korea.

The South Korean company has established security for numerous smart highway and smart city projects, says global manager Jerry Kim. By working with international industry organisations and standards providers, Penta Security has expanded its influence into other smart transportation markets, including North America, Europe and China.

The company’s achievements include the implementation of PKI (public key infrastructure) and V2X technologies across the globe, as well as engaging in firewall and key management projects with auto manufacturers and top-tier suppliers.

Penta Security says its comprehensive suite of automotive solutions, AUTOCRYPT, secures communication in ITS, meeting industry standards published by CAMP, IEEE and other leading authorities.

AUTOCRYPT V2X is an authentication and encryption system for V2X communication designed according to the IEEE 1609.2 communication standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) as well as 5G (C-V2X).

AUTOCRYPT LCM is a local certificate manager (LCM) installed in the OBU to manage certificates from AUTOCRYPT PKI.

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