Advanced dozing technology to boost efficiency from Komatsu

First published in CONEXPO-CON/AGG Preview News - February 25, 2020

0120KomatsuDozerConexpoPICKomatsu’s latest generation dozers feature sophisticated technology to boost working efficiency

Komatsu is offering advanced technology on its latest bulldozers that can boost productivity, quality and efficiency. The new generation D51i-24 and D61i-24 dozers from Komatsu are available with patent-pending dozing control. The company claims that this technology is an industry-first, allowing equipment operators to utilise sophisticated machine control tools from the start of their work through to providing finish grading.

The system records terrain data as the machine travels around the site. The package can analyse the recovered data from the site and calculate where material has to be moved from and to, so as to provide the required grade. The system will also determine when and where the machine will carry out the final finish grading work.

The company is also offering the sophisticated My Komatsu package, which the firm claims is an advanced digital e-commerce package that handles fleet management, equipment monitoring and parts ordering activities. The system can be accessed from smartphones, tablets and laptops, allowing users a mobile tool to optimise fleet management efficiency.

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