Efficient use of payload data from Trimble’s Smart Haul

First published at CONEXPO-CON/AGG - March 12, 2020

Trimble-Loadrite-1 lo resTrimble’s Loadrite package offers haulage efficiency

The latest solution from Trimble’s Loadrite business offers increased efficiency for materials haulage operations on quarry sites.

The Smart Haul solution means that electronic payload ‘tickets’ generated by loading machines such as wheeled loaders or excavators are automatically shared to the trucks as the material is hauled away.

The site manager can see in real time where each truck is carrying every load and whether it is going to the crusher or a dump pile, for example.

Drilling down into the data can reveal truck productivity and the system will also provide machine health data on each item of equipment. Should a machine need attention this can be identified early or if additional operator training is required to address any particular issues over how equipment can be used more efficiently.

The Loadrite Payload Management tool provides all the important data on one platform. Operators can access and analyse data more easily than before, providing greater transparency across an operation.

Stand 11400

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